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  1. This online community includes teachers, students, researchers, parents and educators who have an interest in math and math education. The site includes Ask Dr. Math, Problems of the Week, discussion groups and much more.

  2. Customized by grade level and topic, AAA Math features explanations of various mathematical topics, practice problems and fun, challenging games.

  3. This fully interactive site and allows the user to sharpen basic math skills, play games and explore new math concepts.

  4. Created by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, this site helps families enjoy mathematics outside school through a series of fun and engaging challenges.

  5. Math Cats provides playful explorations of important math concepts through games, crafts and interactive projects. Includes a magic chalkboard and an art gallery.

  6. This South African Community website for teachers, parents and students is complete with lessons, tests, exams, worksheets, study skills and much more.

  7. This lively, interactive Web site, based on the popular BBC Schools Television series “Megamaths,” is for practicing and testing times tables.
  8.  timeline maker