Beyond the Solar System worksheets

Fly Me to the Moon Questions

 Fly Me to the Moon   Find these answers. Write in complete sentences. 1.    Name the different phases of the moon.
  1. How long does it take for the moon to make one complete cycle?
  2. Do you see different phases of the moon from different locations on the Earth?
  3. Why does the moon look full for so long compared to other phases?
  4. Does the moon have any effect on the Earth?
  5. When does the moon rise every day?
  6. If you weighed 100 pounds on Earth, how much would you weigh on the moon?
  7. If you can jump 3 feet high on the Earth, how high could you jump on the Moon?
  8. How may times heavier is the Earth than the Moon.
  9. How many Moons can you fit inside the Earth?
  10. How fast does the Moon travel in its path around the Earth?
  11. Which is the largest crater on the Moon?
  12. How long does it take radio signals to travel from the Earth to the Moon?
  13.  How many spacecraft have landed or crashed on the Moon? Include countries other than USA?
  14. How much did all the Moon rocks brought back by the Apollo astronauts weigh?
  15. Who was the LAST person to walk on the Moon?
  16. Is there such a thing as a “moonquake”?

NAME__________________-                            Science

Explorer                                           C3.1 A).  Lab =Complete the lab in class . Do sheet Lab Manual 63-64.B).  Math in Science = Read page C81, Answer in following questions.1.     Vega’s diameter is_______________________________.2.     What place value is the 9 in this number? _____________________.3.     The number 9 represents_______________________________.4.     Is there a name for every number? _______________________.Vocabularysolstice___________________________________________________equinox__________________________________________________lunar eclipse______________________________________________tides______________________________________________________Questions1.     On page C82, what information about the planets do you learn from the illustration? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.     What don’t you learn from the illustration? __________________________________________________________________________________ 3.     What do you learn in part from reading the caption? __________________________________________________________________________ 4.     How do Earth, the other planets and asteroids move in relation to the sun? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.     What direction does Earth rotate when viewed from above the North Pole? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6.     Why does Earth have night and day? _______________________________________________________________________________________ 7.     According to what you learned about the orbits of the planets, does Mars take longer or shorter than Earth to orbit the sun? __________ 8.     Does Venus travel faster or slower than Earth? __________________ 9.     During what season does sunlight last longest in the Northern Hemisphere?  Why? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10.             Why does the moon look different at different times of the month? _____________________________________________________________ 
11.            Compare and contrast the position of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres when it is winter in the Northern Hemisphere.  ________________________________________________________  12.            Solstice is the time when sunlight lasts the longest or shortest.   {Sol  comes from the Latin word meaning sun}  What other word do you know that begins with Sol?  ___________________________________ 13.             Why is it summer in North America when it is winter in Australia?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14.              How do the hours of daylight and darkness compare during an equinox? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 15.            What is the difference between an equinox and a summer solstice in the region of the North Pole?  ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 16.            Name 2 ways Earth moves in space. 
17. How do the Earth and the moon interact?_______________________________________________________18. What causes the seasons?_______________________________________________________